You can add files of any type (eg: audio files, music files, .pdf, .doc, .txt, .mp3, .avi, .mov etc...) to make them downloadable from the site.
You can access the
document management through
To add a downloadable document to your pages you have to follow this procedure:
- go to document management
- click on "New document"
- select the document from your computer by clicking on the "browse..." button and click "enter"
- go back to site design
- go to the page you want to insert the document in
- edit the text block tou want to insert the document into
- type the name of the document (eg: "first draft") and select it
- click on the "add link"
- paste in the "URL" field the previously copied address.
You can also make the document download start when a block image is clicked.
To do this, after having uploaded the document as above described:
1. edit the text block tou want to insert the document into
2. go to the "image" tab
3. in the "Image behaviour on click" entry select "Go to the specified URL or download a document"
4. select the document from the "scegli una pagina o un documento del tuo sito..." menu