Links to pages
Adding a link to a page
It's possible do add links both to pages of your site and to external pages.

To create a list of links that point to a specific section of the same page visit anchors.
Links to internal pages
Links to internal pages
  1. go to the page you want to insert the link in
  2. edit the block you want to insert the link into
  3. select the portion of thex you want to be clickable
  4. click on the  button
  5. then "choose your page from your website"

If you want the link to be on the block image:
  1. go to the page you want to insert the link in
  2. edit the block image you want to put the link on
  3. go to the "Image behaviour on click" entry
  4. then "choose your page from your website"
Links to other sites' pages
  1. Go to the page you want to link to (eg Google Home Page)
  2. copy the address from the address bar
  3. andare alla redazione del sito
  4. go to the page you want to insert the link in
  5. edit the text block tou want to insert the link into
  6. select the portion of text that you want to become a link
  7. push the button
  8. paste in the "URL" field the previously copied address.
  How it works
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