You can add photos to your pages, both by choosing them from our image archive (that is constantly updated) and by using your personal images.

Common Library

The "common library" is a "folder" in the image section of your site that contains images that can be only be used for your EditArea site. You can enter it both by double-clicking on an image of the site and by going to the management section.

Personal images
Personal images
It's possible to send to your site images that are on your hard drive, creating your personal archive of images that is organizable in folders and sub-folders (the same method used to organize the pages of your site in sections and sub-sections).

Go to the image folder (or a sub-folder you created before) and click on the button (add image) located on the bar.

If you have the address (url) of an image you can use that directly.

Inserting images into pages
To insert the images loaded on the server or included in the common library into your page, you must first have created a new page and inserted a block: inside the block, in the image tab, you will be able to upload the image you wish.
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